Taiji, mostly, is the mental development. Taiji is the activity of Yi. The body is the instrument of this activity. ------ Sun, anguang
5 Oct 2007 |
Zhan-Zhuang: Standing for Rooting
There are some old sayings in Chinese martial society that show the importance of Zhan-Zhuang, “Before learning boxing, do three-year Zhan-Zhuang first”, “Standing like a pine tree”, “Head suspended high to touch heaven, feet rooted down deep into the earth”, and “Without rooting, there is no foundation for Kung-Fu”.
10 Sep 2007 |
The Uniqueness of Sun Style Taiji
Although it is the youngest among the major five Taiji schools (Chen, Yang, Wu/Hao, Wu and Sun), Sun Style Taiji Quan has established its unique position in Chinese martial art history since its creation in 1918. There are six features that make Sun Style Taiji different from other Taiji Schools.