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Tai Chi Academy of Los Angeles
2620 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA91801, USA
Class Schedule

 The New In-School Class Schedule effective on January 1st, 2012

  Open Closed
Sunday - -
Monday 10:00am-12:00 & 7:00pm-9:00
Tuesday 7:30pm-9:00
Wednesday 2:00pm-4:00 7:00pm-9:00 Beginner's
Thursday 7:00pm-9:00
Friday - -
Saturday 10:00am-12:00

Each session is of two hours. The first hour is general teaching and group practice (basic drills and routines). The second hour is mostly for applications, push-hands, answering questions and working on individuals.

Tuition is charged $100 by month, $300 for four months and $840 for 12 months. Private lesson is available and tuition is $50 per hour indoor class and minimum $100 outdoor per visit class.

Though tuition is charged on one-attendance-per-week basis, students can take two sessions each week.