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The martial application of "Double Punch the Ear."
The martial application of "Double Punch the Ear."
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1 post
Jan 22, 2007
5:55 PM
Hello Teacher -
I was also thinking that since the fists go up and forward, the small of the back must go the other way to balance.
One of the forms after that you called something like "embracing the moon", I had never heard that. Do you know the one I mean?
Peaceful Light
24 posts
Jan 23, 2007
3:26 PM
Hi,kevin Thanks for your question.It helps you remember whenever you raise question.
"Embracing the moon" is also called "Catch the moon from the ocean”. It’s a typical technique of knee strike. Picture yourself holding your opponent’s two arms and pulling downward, at same time using your knee to strike his groin.
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