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Tai Chi Academy of Los Angeles
2620 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA91801, USA
Order Your DVD Now > Dan Tian Revealed (IS01)
Dan Tian Revealed (IS01)

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Price: $39.95
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: IS01

Dan Tian is your lower abdomen where your re-production organ, colon and small intestine reside. Ancient Chinese regard Dan Tian as the place that dominates our health. In Chinese martial art and Taiji secret training, Dan Tian is the number one focus to cultivate internal power. For contraries, Dan Tian Drill is kept exclusive only to very few lucky ones. There are six parts in this volume:

  1. Brief introduction about Dan Tian;

  2. Dan Tian Reverse Breathing: how to activate Dan Tian and to generate Qi;

  3. Dan Tian Rotation: how to mobilizing and circulating the internal Qi;

  4. Dan Tian Application: how to cooperate the internal and external movement;

  5. Dan Tian Close-Up

  6. Key points review.

Length: 60 minutes