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Tai Chi Academy of Los Angeles
2620 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA91801, USA
Order Your DVD Now > Ming Men Revealed (IS03)
Ming Men Revealed (IS03)
Price: $39.95
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: IS03

Ming Men is the acupuncture pressure point literally means “the Door of Life”. It is the small of the back and located on the spine that opposites your naval in front. As the name implies the importance, Ming Men is the crucial part in keeping our body in good shape and in maintaining our martial balance. It should always be our primary concern and focus in our daily training. There are six sections in this volume:

  1. Brief introduction about Ming Men and how to locate it;
  2. How to understand and apply three key words in exercising spine;
  3. How to exercise Ming Men in Taiji movements;
  4. Key points review.

Length: 56 minutes