Qi is the breath of life.
The Lord God formed the man from the dust of ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7)
Where is pain, where is the blockage of Qi. Where flows the Qi, where is of no pain. (the Internal Classics of Chinese Medicine)
Jin is life essence.
Qi is life function.
Sheng is life manifestation.
Qi is made healthy and abundant through Dan Tian.
Qi functions under the guidance of Yi (mind or intent).
Where goes your attention, where flows the Qi.
Qi is the –ase of lipase, protease and DNAase.
Qi is the body function.
Qi is not physical substance. Qi is something making the physical substance function.
(by Sun, Anguang, Peaceful Light)
www.olympic-taichi-exhibition.com www.qi-taichi-healing.com
www.tai-ji.com (Chinese)