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Tai Chi Academy of Los Angeles
2620 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA91801, USA
Photo Albums > Bill Rosary Jr. with his son at Taiji Club,2001
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Bill Rosary Jr. with his son at Taiji Club,2001

Bill Rosary Jr. with his son at Taiji Club,2001

Bill and his son in Taiji Club,2001. Bill Rosary shows great respect to his Taiji Sifu Wai Yue Chou and is passionated in promoting chinese Martial Arts. He helps organize the Chinatown New Year's Parade and 2007's Disneyland Martial Arts Festival. The following is his own words: My name is Sifu William J. Rosary Jr.. I am the direct disciple of the ambassador of Tai chi Chuan in Southern California,Wai Yue Choy. My Sifu is the former president of the Southern California Tai Chi Chuan Association. In 2003 , my Sifu retired and named me the successor of his own private organization entitled Tai Chi as a Way of Regimen. It is with great pride and honor that I accept the responsibility to enforce his dreams of promoting Tai Chi. Three years have passsed and I have been recently appointed to the position of coordinator of the Tai Chi divisionof Disneys Martial Arts Festival,which will be held on February 3rd and 4th of the year 2007,at DISNEYLAND. I would like to take this opportunity to request your presence on that day. The Disney family is making every effort to bring exposure to the Chinese Martial Arts World. This is a golden opportunity to showcase,the many practitioners of this very beautiful art. I need your committment to help us to increase the numbers of competitors and to demonstrate their skills. I have provided you with our flier that explains much of the particulars ,and I hope that you are nspired about the prospects of getting involved . Remember we need competitors or practitioners to register online at WWW.disneyworldsports.com/martial arts . Your support and participation will make my Sifus dream of promoting Tai Chi a reality. In closing, lets make our masters before us proud by loving Tai Chi,Living Tai Chi and leaving a Legacy. Respectfully, Sifu William J. Rosary Jr. Tai Chi as a Way of Regimen sifubillrosary@yahoo.com