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Shin Lin, Ph.D. from UCI talks Qi at Taiji Club

Shin Lin, Ph.D. from UCI talks Qi at Taiji Club

In this seminar, Dr. Lin described the latest results of research being conducted at the laboratories of the International Alliance on Mind/Body Signaling and Energy Research. The goal of this research is to apply the latest technologies in computer hardware/software, electronics, photonics, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, functional brain imaging, etc., to analyze how the practice of Tai Chi and Qigong benefits various mind/body functions and how such practice relates to acupuncture and manipulative therapies. In addition to his presentation, Dr. Lin offers to demonstrate special selected Tai Chi and Qigong routines shown to be beneficial in this research, if there are people interested in learning these unique routines. about the speaker:Shin Lin, Ph.D. Professor of Cell Biology, Physiology, & Biomedical Engineering Director, International Alliance on Mind/Body Signaling and Energy Research 4230 McGaugh Hall University of California at Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-2300 e-mail: shinlin@uci.edu