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Tai Chi Academy of Los Angeles
2620 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA91801, USA
Sun Anguang's photos & stories > First board members of SCTA, 1999
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First board members of SCTA, 1999

First board members of SCTA, 1999

Southern California Taichichuan Association was founded in 1999. The first three who conceived the idea and took the most important positions are the President Cai Wei Yu, General Secretary Sun anguang, the Treasure Joe Chan. First row from left:Steven Tang,Dan Lee,Cai Wei Yu,Gong Zhong Xiang,Chen Jin; back row from left:Zhang Zi Hao,Wu Chen Wei,Wu Jie Qing,Zhang Ya Ming,Sun anguang,Joe Chan and Lu Ming Yuan. Two board members absent:Lu Shao Feng and Wu Jin Cai.