To write an effective essay, the students must learn to avoid common mistakes. If you are looking to find out the mistakes which you need to
write my essay and avoid while writing an essay, then this article is written for your guidance. This article will not only explain the things which you should avoid but also provide ways to avoid making those mistakes.
Students usually make the following mistakes while writing an argumentative essay.
? Lack of preparation before starting the essay
? No proper outline
? Lack of clarity and coherence
? Absence of thesis statement
? Unauthenticated resources
? Not presenting enough evidence to support the claim
? No proper conclusion at the end of the essay
? Only focusing on points that support the selected claim
In order to write an effective essay, it is important to keep a few things in mind and to avoid making mistakes which are as follows.
Always conduct proper research before starting the essay If you want to write an argumentative essay effectively it is crucial to start preparing for the essay. Researching the relevant information and facts will help you write a good essay. Reading authentic resources will not only help you organize the material in a precise way but also improves your
essay writing service. Singling out the ideas, keywords, and examples is an efficient way to start writing an argumentative essay. Many students adopt the wrong approach of directly starting writing their essay without any preparation which causes failure. To avoid such a situation, it is crucial to have proper research before starting jotting down the ideas.
Thesis statement A thesis statement presents the crux of the whole essay and is a representation of the main idea to inform readers about the author's stance. Therefore, a good thesis statement explains the main idea, and position of the writer. It reflects the central idea which is to be supported in the essay. To make a good thesis statement, first, collect the data and then decide whether you want to support the issue or
free essay writer. The majority of the students find it difficult to devise a good thesis statement and end up skipping the statement in their essay which usually costs them their grades.
Prepare an Outline Prepare an elaborative outline with main headings and subheadings along with providing the resources. Make heading for the main argument and facts to prove the stance. Students do not make efforts in devising a good outline. In order to avoid making this error, it is better to have all the important points written in a collective form. This will serve as a template to write the essay.
Provide enough evidence to support the argument One of the common mistakes that students make while writing an essay is to present their ideas in a non-coherent way which fails to present the argument in favor of the topic. Supplement the arguments with examples, figures, historical events, and other supporting information because it helps in making a strong argument.
Poor evidence and facts to support the stance IT is one of the most common mistakes. While writing an argumentative essay, make sure that all the arguments must be supported by significant evidence and facts. Citing myths and anecdotes to support the stance is likely to fail you in your attempt to write an effective essay. The gold standard for providing the evidence is peer-reviewed journals, books, and authenticate websites. Using Wikipedia and other new resources is a common mistake that usually students make and end up failing the essay writing task. If you add proper facts and strong evidence, there will be fewer chances for you to face the situation where you will be asking ‘
essay writing service’ to avoid flunking the essay assignments.
Improper conclusion Another common mistake is writing a weak conclusion. Usually, students make the mistake of including new information in the conclusion. That is not the correct way to write the conclusion of an argumentative essay. The conclusion is the reformulation of the argument and facts while presenting it in such a way that favors the stance. To avoid a failing attempt, try to make a strong conclusion as it is one of the most important parts of the essay. To write a strong conclusion, start from the argument and restate your claim.
Only supporting evidence and not the opposing viewpoint An argumentative essay includes the evidence to support the stance. Another important component is to explain the opponent's point of view and briefly explaining their arguments and then refuting their arguments. Most students miss that part while writing an argumentative essay. You must collect enough opposing arguments to counter that evidence to strengthen your own stance in the essay. By following the suggestion you can learn to avoid the common mistakes which will help you in acing your examination. However, if you still find it difficult to write an argumentative essay you can use a reliable paper writing service.
Wrong citation While writing an argumentative essay you must include the evidence to support the argument and to make an assertion. These resources which are used to collect the evidence must be cited to avoid plagiarism. Usually, the citations are done in a specific format such as APA and MLA. Students make a common error while writing argumentative essays of either forgetting to cite their source or using the wrong format for citation. Make sure that you cite your resources, such as articles, books, websites in a proper format to avoid failing the essay.