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Forum > Certified ISO 9001 Lead Auditor: Right Choice?
Certified ISO 9001 Lead Auditor: Right Choice?
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punyam academy
119 posts
Mar 13, 2024
2:06 AM
ISO 9001 lead auditor training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective internal audits of a QMS based on the ISO 9001 standard. These comprehensive programs cover various aspects of auditing, including:

- Understanding ISO 9001 requirements: In-depth knowledge of the clauses, principles, and intent behind the ISO 9001 standard.
- Audit planning and preparation: Learning how to plan and scope audits, develop checklists, and gather relevant information.
- Conducting audits: Mastering interviewing techniques, evaluating documented procedures, and observing processes.
- Reporting and corrective action: Effective reporting of audit findings, including identification of nonconformities and recommendations for improvement.
- Auditing techniques: Applying various audit methodologies to assess the effectiveness of the QMS.

Appoint a Certified ISO 9001 Lead Auditor is Right Decision for Your Business?

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