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Forum > Process of American Airlines Name Change Policy
Process of American Airlines Name Change Policy
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Mar 25, 2024
9:59 PM
American Airlines Name Change Policy allows passengers to correct or update their names on tickets under specific circumstances. Minor corrections, such as fixing typos or adjusting a last name due to marriage, are generally permitted without significant hassle or cost. However, passengers are required to provide supporting documentation for more substantial changes, such as legal name changes, which may involve a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or other legal documents.

For passengers looking to change their entire name, the process might be more complex and could require additional verification or a fee. It's crucial for the name on the ticket to match the government-issued ID, particularly for international travel, to avoid any issues at security or customs.n American Airlines encourages passengers to address any name discrepancies as soon as they are discovered by contacting the airline's customer service, which can guide them through the necessary steps to ensure their ticket reflects the correct name information.

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