JOS Family Law
2 posts
Apr 15, 2024
12:07 AM
If you're about to be divorced and have children, we understand how tough it can be for you. When a married couple dissolves their marriage in California, they need to decide various issues like custody and support of their children.
Whenever a couple opts for divorce or separation, they must look after the best interests of their children.
Children are often the most affected when a family splits apart. One of the issues in contention is the financial support required by the children until they attain majority. California courts consider several factors before finalizing a support amount.
As a professional child support attorney Orange County, Mr. Binoye Jos provides seasoned guidance and representation in all areas of family law. We can accurately predict the estimated child support amount that the higher-earning spouse will need to pay the other.
How is Child Support Determined in California?
An experienced child support attorney in Orange County can explain the grounds that influence the amount of child support. The foremost factors among them are the net disposable income of both parents and which parent has the primary custody of the child.
In most cases, the primary custodian receives child support from the other parent with visitation rights. The court determines the percentage of income of both parents that should go into child support.
Other factors like healthcare expenses of the child, health insurance of the child, quality of life of the child, and many other factors determine the final support order.
Our child support attorney in OC can help you determine a sufficient amount of child support that takes care of your children's needs. We have more than two decades of experience in building a positive future for your children.
Call us at (714) 733-7066 or send an email to for a free case evaluation.