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Forum > The Ultimate guide to Pegasus flight cancellation
The Ultimate guide to Pegasus flight cancellation
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1 post
May 14, 2024
2:39 AM
Pegasus Airlines provides a user-friendly flight cancellation process. For Pegasus flight cancellation you can conveniently cancel using the airline customer service channels, mobile app, or website. Fees may be incurred based on the kind of fare and the time of cancellation. Non-refundable tickets may be refunded less a fee and the remaining amount repaid as credit for future travel, but refundable tickets usually allow cancellations for a full refund. Before canceling passengers are advised to read the terms and conditions on their ticket to be aware of any applicable fees. Transparency and adaptability are given top priority by Pegasus Airlines which strives to make it as easy as possible for travelers to change their travel plans.

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