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Forum > The Fundamentals of Fun: Classic UNO Gameplay
The Fundamentals of Fun: Classic UNO Gameplay
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May 22, 2024
9:04 PM
At its core, uno online stays true to the original game. Players take turns trying to match a card in their hand with the color or number displayed on the discard pile. Numbers range from 0 to 9, with each number appearing twice in a specific color (red, green, blue, and yellow). Special cards add a strategic twist:

Skip: Forces the next player to miss their turn.
Reverse: Reverses the order of play.
Draw Two: Makes the next player draw two cards and forfeit their turn.
Wild Card: Allows you to change the current color in play to any of the four colors.
Wild Draw Four: A powerful card that lets you change the color and forces the next player to draw four cards and skip their turn.
The objective is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards. But remember, the key rule: when you're down to your last card, you must yell "UNO!"

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