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Forum > Pegmical: Herbal Remedy for Retinitis Pigmentosa
Pegmical: Herbal Remedy for Retinitis Pigmentosa
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21 posts
Jun 21, 2024
2:23 AM
The best medicine for Retinitis Pigmentosa Herbal Treatment is Pegmical. It is made of herbal ingredients that are non-harmful for any kind of problem and cannot affect any other part of the body. The constituents of this medicine are Fever nut, Rhubarb, Indian Long Pepper, Calcium sulphate and Gulancha . Herbal Supplement for Retinitis Pigmentosa helps in retaining the problem in the eye sight and the vision. This medicine is available at Herbal Care Products. It also helps in maintaining the peripheral vision and the central vision that gets disturbed. It also eradicates other problem due to the Retina damage.

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