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Forum > Overcoming Bladder Incontinence
Overcoming Bladder Incontinence
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Aug 17, 2024
4:41 AM
The impact of bladder incontinence on quality of life can be substantial. Options for Bladder Incontinence Treatment range from medication to lifestyle changes.

Common Methods of Treatment:

Pelvic floor exercises can help regulate the flow of urine by strengthening these muscles.
Medications: Medications have the ability to relax the bladder or raise the tone of its muscles.
Surgery: Surgical techniques could be considered in extreme instances.
Lifestyle adjustments that can help include controlling weight, cutting back on alcohol and caffeine, and bladder training.

To identify the underlying cause and create an appropriate treatment strategy, seeing a urologist is necessary. Many people can successfully manage bladder incontinence if they receive the right care.
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