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Tai Chi Academy of Los Angeles
2620 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA91801, USA
Forum > Geometry Dash Subzero
Geometry Dash Subzero
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1 post
Sep 04, 2024
8:27 PM
geometry dash subzero, the fantastic follow-up to the well-liked Geometry Dash series, makes a spectacularly innovative return with levels packed with neon. Once more, players guide their geometric cube through a succession of difficult, trap-filled levels. The objective is to steer the self-running cube from beginning to end by precisely timing jumps and determining the safest paths. In this superb follow-up, Subzero takes players to a bright neon world. The cube moves automatically as normal; thus, in order to safely navigate it from beginning to end, players must timing leap and respond fast.

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