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Forum > Who oversees Super P Force clinical trials?
Who oversees Super P Force clinical trials?
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Sep 21, 2024
2:18 AM

Clinical trials for medications like Super P Force, which contains Sildenafil Citrate and Dapoxetine, are overseen by several regulatory and ethical bodies, including:

Food and Drug Administration (FDA): In the United States, the FDA is responsible for approving new drugs and ensuring their safety and efficacy through rigorous clinical trials.

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs): These boards review and monitor clinical trials to ensure that they are ethically conducted, protecting the rights and welfare of participants.

European Medicines Agency (EMA): In Europe, the EMA oversees the approval and monitoring of drugs, including those undergoing clinical trials.

Other National Regulatory Authorities: In different countries, respective health authorities are responsible for overseeing clinical trials and drug approvals.

These organizations ensure that clinical trials are conducted according to established guidelines, with appropriate oversight for participant safety and data integrity.

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