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Tai Chi Academy of Los Angeles
2620 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA91801, USA
Forum > A practice that helps in Emotional Wellbeing
A practice that helps in Emotional Wellbeing
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Oct 17, 2024
2:13 AM
Being mindful means surviving in today's moment without judgment. It helps lower stress, nervousness, and feelings of being overwhelmed. Developing self-awareness lets you recognize your thoughts and know the way they affect your thoughts and actions. A practice that helps in Emotional Wellbeing
1 post
Oct 17, 2024
2:05 AM
Line a colander with cheesecloth and place it over a large bowl. Pour the curds and whey mixture into the colander to drain. Let it sit for 5–10 minutes, depending on how dry or moist you want your cheese to be. After the cheese has drained to your preference, gather the cheesecloth and gently squeeze out any excess whey. Transfer the curds to a bowl, and if desired, Cheese Recipe mix in salt for flavor. You can enjoy the cheese as-is or shape it into a block and refrigerate it for later use.

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